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Selected Readings

Miller, Thomas D.  Defining Modules, Modularity and Modularization, 1998

Burkhard Meltzer, Rethinking The Modular, 2016

McDonough, William  Cradle to Cradle:  Remaking The Way We Make Things, 2002

Fuller, Buckminster, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth

Benysus, Janine, Biomimicry:  Innovation Inspired by Nature

Anderson, Chris.  Makers: The New Industrial Revolution

Brand, Stewart, The Last Whole Earth Catalog:  Access to Tools, 1971


Links to Sites, Periodicals and Films

Whole Earth Catalog exhibition at MoMA

Evgeny Morozov, Making It, New Yorker, 2014

The Film - Racing Extinction: 2015. Directed by Alex Garland


Additional Resources (podcast, tedtalks, books, exhibition links)

Scranton, Roy. Learning to Die in the Anthropocene: Reflections on the End of a Civilization, 2015

Tompkins, Peter. The Secret Life of Plants: a Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man, 1989

Wohlleben, Peter.  The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World

Colbert, Elizabeth. The Sixth Extinction:  An Unnatural History, 2015

McNeil, J.R.  The Great Acceleration, An Environmental History of the Anthropocene since 1945

Mau, Bruce.  Massive Change, 2004


Ted Talks

The Importance of Getting Things Wrong, NPR, August 1, 2016

Choosing Curiosity Over Fear, OnBeing, July 7 2016

Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, failure, and the drive to keep creating, Ted Talks, March 2014

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?, Ted Talks, February 2006

Science of Creativity, with David Byrne, Startalk, December 2015

Ayah, Bdeir: Building blocks that blink, beep and teach, March 2012

Martin Reeves: How to build a business that last 100 years, May 2016


Environment and Ecology

William McDonough:  Cradle to Cradle Design, Ted Talks, February 2005

Climate Change and the Future, with Al Gore, Startalk, June 7 2016

Everything is Connected, Ted Radio Hour, September 7, 2013

Unseen City: Wonders of the Urban Wilderness, 99% Invisible, April 2016

Cosmic Queries:  Human Impact on Earth with Dr., Funky Spoon, Startalk, August 2016

Thomas Heatherwick: Building the Seed Cathedral, Ted Talks, March 2011

Stewart Brand:  The Long Now, February 2004



Gensis Objects, 99% Invisible, September 2014

John Meada: Designing for Simplicity, Ted Talks, March 2007

Yves Behar: Designing objects that tell a story, Ted Talks, February 2008

Tony Fadell:  The first secret of design is … noticing, March 2015